A book about casayohana
casayohana director Bine Vogel has written a book that provides deep insights: For example, you can understand and sympathize with why she puts so much heart and soul into her work with the children and women in Peru. All info on the book launch and pre-order here!
"A stirring book about the fate of disabled children and abused women in the high Andes of Peru and the selfless commitment of the German nurse Sabine Vogel." - this is how the Christian Brunnen-Verlag describes the book about casayohana, which is now finally ready! Step by step, the life of casayohana director Bine Vogel has led her to Peru and to the founding of casayohana. And today, casayohana's house is so full of assisted families that a new one will soon have to be built! How it came about that casayohana could come into being and move so much for the families in the high regions of the Andes, that can be read in the book - exciting, rousing and entertainingly summarized.
Bine introduces her book
In March the book will finally be published, after many months of work in addition to the "normal" work in Peru. "Because God loves them - Mami Bini and the families of casayohana" Bine herself writes: "It has now really happened: Together with Sebastian, my co-author, I wrote a book. About the beginnings of casayohana and the development until now. And also about how God and life prepared me to have the courage to go to Peru in the first place. So on March 18, we will gladly let you live along with us in the beginnings, tremble along with us in the challenges, laugh along with us in many curious things, and marvel along with us in many a miracle."
Reading strongly recommended!
"You can't make much of a difference on your own," you hear again and again. Wrong! Here you can read what a fantastic, beneficial story God is writing, because there is one woman who is not frightened by the size of the task, but, trusting in God and with a big heart, sets out on a journey to where the air is thin and the need is great. Exciting, inspiring, very touching, and full of hope!
You can order the book directly via this link - of course, you are also welcome to order in any bookstore!
Data for ordering in the bookstore: order number: 193632, ISBN/EAN: 9783765536328, published by Brunnen-Verlag.
More info on the book launch
.The book launch in Weissenburg will take place March 18, beginning at 6 p.m.
If possible, please register by March 12 at annette.büttel@casayohana.org so we can plan better.
Address of the event: Evangelisches Gemeindehaus St. Andreas, Martin-Luther-Platz 9a, 91781 Weißenburg
.At the book launch, there will be the opportunity to purchase the book signed.