Pediatric nursing, intensive care, lactation counseling, mentoring, mediatoring, trauma counseling.
Bine has been in Perú since 2010. Since 2013 she has been building up and managing casayohana Andahuaylas, Apurimac, Perú. Since then, she has also been a member of the board of our Peruvian association.
Megumy joined our team in Andahuaylas in November 2017. A tireless, very dedicated employee with sensitivity and super hands for mothers and children!
Yoselin leads our team in administration and accounting. We are very happy about that.
Martha learns with a lot of patience and love with our children. Where she is, she spreads good mood.
We are very happy that Nelli already knows our work from numerous short-term assignments and can therefore start right away.
In the project since the 1st week 2013. Helps from the beginning, wherever and whenever needed! Chabi is with her whole family ("the Chabis" called) part of casayohana.
Edith is a hard worker for the benefit of our families. Thanks to her experience, her big heart and her commitment, she drives our work forward in the most diverse areas. Whether it is the water filter project, greenhouses or in the education of our children or the students' shared apartment.
Our man for all crafts in and around casayohana. He also takes care of our project car & Motocarga.
Amrei is the president of our supporting association since 2019. She also accompanies "our" children to medical appointments and therapies in Lima. She also supports casayohana since 2017 in an honorary capacity.
Wilbert is currently working his way into the house and garden and can also bring our staff to the children in a motor cab. He also likes to make our work materials creatively.
Maura supports our team with a lot of commitment. And we are grateful to have another "Quechua speaker" in our team.
Our first Swiss in casayohana! Together with Nelli she works in the developmental support of our children.
Fiorella supports our team since May 2021 actively as a tutor, for which we are very grateful! Her specialties are mathematics and patience!
Also Anabel supports our team since July 2021 as a tutor! She teaches mainly the older children and sports! We are very happy about this.
Rosa is a faithful help in Chaccrampa! She reminds families of their appointments, explains the handling of medicines and accompanies our children on site.
Cesar drives and accompanies children to appointments at hospitals in Cusco and Abancay. He also drives Bine and her team to Cusco for shopping, etc.
David supports casayohana from Lima. He arranges logistical things for us and welcomes "our new ones" in Peru.
Sonja is a very experienced teacher who completes our tutoring team! Her second area of work is coordinating the appointments of our children & families. So great to have her with us.
Retired pastor, our hardworking strider for interior and exterior walls, furniture and toys.
Psychologist on short-term assignment. Nele accompanies mothers in difficult situations, works with our hyperactive children and many others.
Long-time employees of the Centro Misionero in Cashibo, Central Jungle Peru.
Collaboration construction and Orga.
Occupational therapist from the mission hospital in Curahuasi. Susi helps us with a lot of love and commitment here on site and also in the hospital.
Short assignment on the construction site and in the project; Jakob is our man for everything, clamps cables, hangs ceilings, drags stones, goes on shopping trips, builds therapy furniture...
Short-term assignment at the construction site; Maxi helps wherever needed. He hangs ceilings, attaches cameras, is there during window installation....
Nils joins our team for 6 months in the areas of: Construction, Orga and working with our kids! We are very happy!
A soul of woman! A nurse with heart and soul! She was already several times together with different teams from Curahuasi with us and has diligently measured, weighed, ...
Since 2020, Pao has been coming on and off for short visits with different therapists from Curahuasi and working with our children and parents.
Mathi the man for really all cases: security technology, dog fence, lawn laying, carport, leaking roof, ... He always has an idea!
Uti assists us with patient documentation, measures and weighs everything that comes in our door, - and cooks and bakes superbly!
Since July, Mathilda has been supporting us as a short-term employee. She helps diligently with the care of siblings, treatment assistance and in the household. It's great to have her!
Martin will support us from September as a short-term worker with the children and in the house technology. We are looking forward to him!
Anna will support us from September as a short-term worker with the children, in the organ area and in the household. We are looking forward to her!
The dedication with which Bine cares for a forgotten people is hard to impress and wonderfully reflects the love of our Lord. I would like to help and shape with my possibilities to ensure and expand this help.
I am deeply touched by the situation of the children, women and families in the highlands of Peru. As Bine Vogel's brother, it was and still is a matter close to my heart to take on co-responsibility with my task in the foundation and to secure the aid on site sustainably and in the long term.
Teacher, seminar leader for state trainee teachers in the subject of Catholic religion of the Archdiocese of Munich and church musician
Protestant pastor, currently active in teaching at a high school
"I am involved in the Board of Trustees of casayohana because I saw 2014 and 2017 with my own eyes,
Director of Vereinigte Deutsche Missionshilfe VDM (retired)
government councilor at the police headquarters of Upper Franconia & member and, among other things, missionary representative of the Christus-Gemeinde Creußen
I consider it a gift to be born in Germany and to live here."
Bine Vogel took heart and left this "nest" with all its advantages and securities. A heart that beats for the disabled and disadvantaged children and women in Peru. And with heart and soul she fights for an improvement of the living situation of these people. casayohana is a matter of the heart and the best testimony of practical lived faith. And my life is changed by the relationship to the project, the many people who are involved and support it, not least by the help that reaches the people. This is reflected in many reports and shining children's eyes. THANK GOD!
So it is my heart and an honor to support the project, Bine and ultimately the people.
Mechanical Engineer "Production & Logistics Asia" in the Commercial Vehicles Division of Continental Automotive
My sister has a severely disabled child and there I see how much is done for her in Germany. In comparison, casayohana does a lot of help for children with disabilities and their families in Peru with little resources. I already had a sponsored child at the Children's Work Lima, so the collaboration with the Foundation casayohana is the continuation of my commitment in Peru.
Photographer, videographer and media designer
I became aware of casayohana through my church community. We as a congregation have been supporting casayohana for some time now, which is also how I got to know the lovely Bine. Her work as a pediatric nurse with the mothers and children fascinated me very much, as I am a pediatric nurse myself. With my work in the media team I would now like to support casayohana also from Germany.
Through my short-term assignment at casayohana, the people in Peru have become like a little family to me, which I would love to continue to support from Germany. The work of casayohana is just incredible and it is so great that there is someone like the dear Bine for the people, where they can go and they will be helped further. Because without her, the children and women would just continue to live their lives without any support. That's why, if I can't be there, I want to at least be a little help from here ????
High school teacher, employee in the world store Weißenburg
I have been touched by the people in and around Andahuaylas with their warmth and hospitality despite overwhelming poverty and need! Bine Vogel is doing an incredible job there! So I would like to contribute as a sister of Bine to ensure that casayohana is sustainably supported and promoted.
Media designer for image and sound at Frankenfernsehen
Employee at the Weißenburger Tagblatt
In my view, God created the world as one world, without man-made borders, without differences, without discrimination. I was born in Germany, I live in peace, freedom and self-determination. Unfortunately, this is not a matter of course for every person on this beautiful earth. In my opinion, all people should have the right to equal opportunities, to a good, non-violent, self-determined life. Sabine Vogel is fighting for exactly this in a small part of the world, in the Andes of Peru. This is my motivation to support her in this and to contribute my part to the success of the project within the scope of my possibilities.
I am touched when I see how Jesus dealt with people back then who were on the fringes of society, despised and counted for nothing. Even children at that time were considered unimportant, annoying and beside the point. Not with Jesus. He took them on his lap, looked them in the eye and hugged them. He gave them his full attention, appreciated them and even put them in the center. I am happy to be able to contribute my time, creativity and experience abroad to the work of casayohana, to support the work of Bine and her team. So that on the ground in Peru the weakest and poorest people - especially women and children - can be helped in a very practical way and they can feel and experience the love of God!
Computer scientist
Student of translation and interpreting
I am very touched by the work of casayohana, which helps families and children in Peru. The joy and gratitude of the people who are given new perspectives and hope through the foundation's work get under the skin. I am very happy that I can contribute and help just by my language skills.
Computer scientist
Media computer scientist, software developer
Through my first visit to casayohana in Peru in 2018, I took the country, the people and their culture to my heart and saw how valuable the work is that Bine and her team do there. It was quickly clear to me that I could and would like to support. Since then, I traveled every year again to Peru, take care of the planning and implementation of IT issues such as Internet, WLAN and webcam on a voluntary basis. Since May 2020, I also support the public relations team in the maintenance of the website.
Media Designer, UX & Usability Expert
Through a 6-month short-term assignment, I had the opportunity to get to know casayohana on site. I was able to see how casayohana's brilliant work makes a difference in the lives of the locals, how families get hope again and I was able to see the gratitude of these people in their eyes. I have casayohana, Bine, the Peruvian staff, the families and the children so closed in the heart that I am very happy to support this valuable work also from Germany.